Ministry Groups and Contact Person

Senior Leadership Team (SLT):                          
Fr. Novie
Pastoral Council (PPC):                          
Rob Morris
Finance Committee (PFC)/ Stewardship Team: 
Margaret Hart/ Michael Delahunty
Child Safety Officer:
Mel Slattery
Kids and Youth Coordinators:
Kenn and Abilain Liwanag
Baptism Preparation Team:
Mary Byrne
Bereavement Team:
Carmel Mackenzie
Sophia Sisters:
Mary Atkins And Kate Bruty
Men's Ministry:
Doug Black 
Home, Hospital and Aged Care Visitation:
Sr. Cletus, Julie Moyle. Prue Galea
Liturgy Committee:
Mary Atkins And Noela Boyer
Music Group:
Barbara Pavone
Family Groups:
Carmel & Ted Mackenzie
TEAMS of Our Lady:
Jim and Prue Galea
Sacramental Program Team:
Tania Dixon
Social Committee:
Margaret Hart
Care for Creation Team:
Cecilia Merrigan
Social Justice Team:
Ruth Philips and Christine Sebire
Vinnies (St Vincent De Paul):
Win Lavery
Playgroup - Hangabout:
Mel Slattery
RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children):
Lauren Gould
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults):
Lauren Gould
Maintenance And Gardening:
Bob Cooper
St Anne’s Cleaning Team:
Barb Green
Aged Care Liturgy:
Malia Black
Hospitality Space:
Barbara Green
Community Connect:
Julie Moyle
Couples for Christ:
Cindy and Jonas Narvasa

Have a look at the extensive list and see how you can be involved!

To get an idea of what each group does please either contact the Parish Office to Get in touch with the person of each group. Or if you want to start a new group and help keep our parish vibrant and welcoming, please contact the Parish Office for more information!

Contact Number: 5482 1127